* * * WARNING: This version is modified to Suit the Carlsberg needs!!!! * */ require_once(PATH_tslib."class.tslib_pibase.php"); require_once(PATH_t3lib."class.t3lib_basicfilefunc.php"); require_once(PATH_t3lib."class.t3lib_extfilefunc.php"); require_once(t3lib_extMgm::extPath("moc_filemanager")."/res/class.mount.php"); require_once(t3lib_extMgm::extPath("moc_filemanager")."/res/class.filemanager_div.php"); class tx_mocfilemanager_pi1 extends tslib_pibase { var $prefixId = "tx_mocfilemanager_pi1"; // Same as class name var $scriptRelPath = "pi1/class.tx_mocfilemanager_pi1.php"; // Path to this script relative to the extension dir. var $extKey = "moc_filemanager"; // The extension key. /** * MAIN Called by TYPO3 core engine */ function main($content,$conf) { $this->conf=$conf; $this->pi_setPiVarDefaults(); $this->pi_loadLL(); $this->pi_initPIflexForm(); $this->transferFlexToData(); $this->div = new filemanager_div(); $this->dbObj = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']; $this->cInfo = t3lib_div::clientInfo(); //For now this is only for Internet explorer! $this->canUseLayers = ($this->cInfo['BROWSER'] == 'msie' ? 1 : 0); $this->recursive = $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->conf["recursive"],$this->conf["recursive."]);; $this->mode = strtoupper($this->cObj->stdWrap($this->conf["CODE"],$this->conf["CODE."])); $this->asExplorer = 1; //**************** DETERMINE WHERE TO GET FOUNTS FROM ******************* $this->selectFrom = strtoupper($this->cObj->stdWrap($this->conf["selectFrom"],$this->conf["selectFrom."])); $this->from = $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->conf["from"],$this->conf["from."]); list($filter["code"],$filter["mount"],$filter["dir"]) = split('[|]', $this->mode); $this->mode = $filter["code"]; $this->mountPID = $this->pi_getPidList($this->cObj->stdWrap($this->conf["mountStoragePID"],$this->conf["mountStoragePID."]),$this->recursive); $this->filesPID = $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->conf["filesStoragePID"],$this->conf["filesStoragePID."]); $this->maxDepth = $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->conf["maxDepth"],$this->conf["maxDepth."]); $this->showFilesPID = $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->conf["showFilesPID"],$this->conf["showFilesPID."]); if(!($this->showFilesPID)) { $this->showFilesPID = $GLOBALS["TSFE"]->id; } //This is a super hack, sorry for that, but It was the fastest way to solve the problem if($conf["superroot"]) { $this->documentRoot = $this->div->clean_dir($conf["superroot"].$this->cObj->stdWrap($conf["documentRoot"],$conf["documentRoot."])); } else { $this->documentRoot = $this->div->clean_dir($this->cObj->stdWrap($conf["documentRoot"],$conf["documentRoot."])); } $this->wraps=array(); $this->Activewraps=array(); $this->ActiveATagParams = array(); $this->ATagParams = array(); for($i = 0; $i <$this->maxDepth+1; $i++) { array_push($this->wraps,$this->conf["levels."]["level$i."]["wrap"]); array_push($this->Activewraps,$this->conf["levels."]["level$i."]["ACT."]["wrap"]); if($this->conf["levels."]["level$i."]["ATagParams"]) array_push($this->ATagParams,$this->conf["levels."]["level$i."]["ATagParams"]); else array_push($this->ATagParams,'class="filelink"'); if($this->conf["levels."]["level$i."]["ACT."]["ATagParams"]) array_push($this->ActiveATagParams,$this->conf["levels."]["level$i."]["ACT."]["ATagParams"]); else array_push($this->ActiveATagParams,'class="filelinkActive"'); } $this->mountwrap = $this->conf["mountwrap"]; $this->asExplorer = $this->conf["asExplorer"] ? 1:0; if($this->mode == "UPLOAD_ONLY") { if($this->from) { $temp = explode(",",$this->from); $this->mountID = $temp[0] ; // hard coded mount var stored in CODE parameter } } else { $this->mountID = t3lib_div::GPvar("mountpoint"); } $filename=t3lib_div::GPvar("filename"); //If this is set, hten a file is uploaded along the request. $uploadfile=t3lib_div::GPvar("uploadfile"); //If this is set, then the user asked to make a directory. $mkdir=t3lib_div::_GP("mkdir"); // Get the mountpoints. if($this->selectFrom == "CHOOSE") { //Mountpoints are chosen manually } if($this->selectFrom == "CHOOSE" || $this->selectFrom == "PAGES" || $this->selectFrom == "THISPAGE") { $this->mountlist = array(); if($this->selectFrom == "CHOOSE") $mountlist =$this->from; if($this->selectFrom == "PAGES") { $mountlist = $this->getAllMountIdsInPages($this->pi_getPidList($this->cObj->stdWrap($this->conf["mountStoragePID"],$this->conf["mountStoragePID."]),$this->recursive)); } if($this->selectFrom == "THISPAGE") $mountlist = $this->getAllMountIdsInPages($GLOBALS['TSFE']->id); foreach(explode(",",$mountlist) as $mp) { if($mp == $this->mountID) { $this->mount = new mount(intval($mp),$this->documentRoot); $this->mountlist[] = &$this->mount; } else { $this->mountlist[] = new mount(intval($mp),$this->documentRoot); } } //Make a check. If no mount is specified, make the first mount i mountlist the active one. Unless were in LISTDIRS mode, then there is no active mount. if(!$this->mount && $this->mode != "LISTDIRS") { $this->mount = &$this->mountlist[0]; } } else { //Default is to take it from piVars $this->mount = new mount($this->mountID,$this->documentRoot); $this->mountlist[] = &$this->mount; } $this->filehandler_mps=array(); $this->initSingleMountPoint($this->mount); $this->initFilehandler(); $reldir = ereg_replace("^/","",t3lib_div::GPvar("dir")); if($this->mount) { $dir=$this->div->clean_dir($this->mount->getDir()."/".$reldir); } else { $dir = ""; } // The rootline of files (The path broken up essentially) $this->filelistRootLine = explode("/",$reldir); $task=t3lib_div::GPvar("task"); //Init done. /* * * ####################### LISTDIRS ####################### * */ if($this->mode == "LISTDIRS") { foreach($this->mountlist as $mp) { if($this->hasAccess($mp,$dir,"read")) { $tempstr = ""; if($this->asExplorer) { $tempstr .= ""; } // Cleaning up the path, so its nice and tidy:) $basedir = $mp->getDir(); $param["parameter"]=$this->showFilesPID; $param["additionalParams"]="&mountpoint=".$mp->uid; if($this->asExplorer) { $tempstr .= '"; } // $tempstr .= $this->listdirs($row["uid"],$basedir,$reldir); $tempstr .= $this->listdirs($mp->uid,$basedir,$reldir); } else { $param["ATagParams"]=$this->ATagParams[0]; // $tempstr .= $this->cObj->wrap($this->cObj->typolink($row["name"],$param),$this->wraps[0]); $tempstr .= $this->cObj->wrap($this->cObj->typolink($mp->getName(),$param),$this->wraps[0]); if($this->asExplorer) { $tempstr .=""; } } if($this->asExplorer) { $tempstr .= "
'; } // if($this->mount->uid == $row["uid"]) { if($this->mount->uid == $mp->uid) { $param["ATagParams"]=$this->ActiveATagParams[0]; // $tempstr .= $this->cObj->wrap($this->cObj->typolink($row["name"],$param),$this->Activewraps[0]); $tempstr .= $this->cObj->wrap($this->cObj->typolink($mp->getName(),$param),$this->Activewraps[0]); if($this->asExplorer) { $tempstr .="
"; } $content .= $this->cObj->wrap($tempstr,$this->mountwrap); } } return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($this->cObj->wrap($content,$this->conf["allWrap"])); } /** * * ####################### VIEW ####################### * */ if($this->mode == "VIEW") { /* * * DEFAULT Page * Show if no task and directory is givven. * */ if(empty($reldir) && $this->conf["showDesc"]) { $pars["parseFunc"] = 1; $pars["parseFunc."] = $this->conf["parseFunc."]; $content .= $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->mount->data["text"],$pars); } /* * * TASK = download * */ if(!empty($filename) && ($task == "download")) { if(!($this->hasAccess($this->mount,$dir,"read"))) { $content = '


'; return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($content); } // print $this->div->test(); //print "Updating downloads for file $filename: ".$this->dbObj->UPDATEquery('tx_mocfilemanager_files','file="'.$this->dbObj->quoteStr($reldir."/".$filename,'tx_mocfilemanager_files').'" AND mount='.intval($this->mount->uid),array("downloads"=>'downloads + 1')); // print "Query: UPDATE tx_mocfilemanager_files SET downloads=downloads + 1 WHERE file='".addslashes($reldir."/".$filename)."' AND mount=".intval($this->mount->uid); $this->dbObj->sql_query("UPDATE tx_mocfilemanager_files SET downloads=downloads + 1 WHERE file='".addslashes($this->div->removeFirstSlash($reldir."/".$filename))."' AND mount=".intval($this->mount->uid)); // $file=$this->removeFirstSlash($file); //Clean all output buffers. while (@ob_end_clean()); //Set time limit to value given in conf if($this->conf["timeLimit"]>0) { set_time_limit($this->conf["timelimit"]); } if($this->conf["killChild"]) { apache_child_terminate(); } // including mimetypes.php here means it is only included when required, thereby saving parsing time for all other requests include("mimetypes.php"); // extract the file extesion and attempt to determine the Mime type from the file's extension $fileinfo = t3lib_div::split_fileref($filename); $mimetype = $mimetypes[$fileinfo["fileext"]]; if ($mimetype == "") { $mimetype = "application/octet-stream"; } $name = "$dir/$filename"; // return "Name: $dir/$filename"; $fp = fopen($name, 'rb'); // send the right headers header("Cache-control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); header("Content-Type: $mimetype"); header("Content-Length: ".filesize($name)); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename"); header("Cache-control: private"); while (!feof($fp)) { $buffer = fgets($fp, 4096); echo $buffer; } fclose($fp); if($this->conf["timeLimit"]) set_time_limit(0); exit; } /* * * TASK = delete * * * */ if($task == "delete") { if(t3lib_div::GPvar("confirmed") == "yes") { if($this->filehandler->func_delete(array("data"=>"$dir/$filename"))) { $this->remove_file_entry("$reldir/$filename"); $relative_url = $this->pi_getPageLink($GLOBALS['TSFE']->id,'',array("mountpoint"=>$this->mountID, "dir"=>$reldir)); header("Location: http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $this->div->clean_dir(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) . "/" . $relative_url); } else { $content .= "


"; //$content .= "Du ønskede at slette filen $dir/$filename"; } } else { // This could be a javascript confirmation. $content .= "




"; $content .= "
\n"; $content .= "\n"; $content .= "\n"; $content .= "\n"; $content .= "\n"; $content .= "\n"; $content .= "
\n"; //return $content; return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($content); } } /* * * TASK = RENAME * */ if($task == "rename") { $newname = t3lib_div::GPvar("newname"); // $mountpoint = t3lib_div::GPvar("mountpoint"); $oldname = t3lib_div::GPvar("oldname"); if($newname) { if($this->hasAccess($this->mount,$dir,"upload")) { if($newname != $oldname) { $test = $this->filehandler->func_rename(array("target"=>"$dir/$oldname","data"=>$newname)); if(!$test) { return "Error renaming"; } $fileinfo = t3lib_div::split_fileref($test); $newname = $fileinfo["file"]; } $comment = t3lib_div::GPvar("comment"); $this->rename_file_entry("$reldir/$oldname","$reldir/$newname",$this->mount->uid,$comment); $relative_url = $this->pi_getPageLink($GLOBALS['TSFE']->id,'',array("mountpoint"=>$this->mountID, "dir"=>$reldir)); header("Location: http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $this->div->clean_dir(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) . "/" . $relative_url); exit(); } else { return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass("


"); } } else { // Render the rename form $content .= "

".$this->pi_getLL("rename")." $oldname ".$this->pi_getLL("to")."

"; $content .= '
'; $content .= "\n"; $content .= "mount->uid."\">\n"; $content .= "\n"; $content .= "\n"; $content .= "\n"; $content .= "pi_getLL("renameButton")."\">\n"; //$info = $this->getAdditionalInfo($this->mount,$reldir."/".$oldname); $info = $this->div->getAdditionalInfo($this->mount,$reldir."/".$oldname); if($this->conf["useDescriptions"]) { $content .= '
'; } $content .= "
"; //return $content; return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($content); } } /* * * TASK = MKDIR * */ // if($task == "mkdir") { if(!empty($mkdir)) { $comment = t3lib_div::GPvar("comment_dir"); if($this->hasAccess($this->mount,$dir,"mkdir")) { $newdir = t3lib_div::GPvar("newdirname"); if(strpos($newdir,"/")) return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass("


"); if(preg_match("/[åæøé]/i",$newdir)) { return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass("


"); } if(count(explode("/",$reldir)) > $this->maxDepth-1) return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass("

".$this->pi_getLL("todeep")." ".$this->maxDepth."

"); if(file_exists("$dir/$newdir")) { return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass("

Mappen $newdir eksisterer allerede

"); } if($this->filehandler->func_newfolder(array("data"=>$newdir,target=>"$dir/"))) { if($this->insert_file_entry("DIR",$reldir,$newdir,0,$comment)) { $relative_url = $this->pi_getPageLink($GLOBALS['TSFE']->id,'',array("mountpoint"=>$this->mountID, "dir"=>$reldir)); header("Location: http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $this->div->clean_dir(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) . "/" . $relative_url); exit(); // $content .= "



".$this->pi_getLL("createdpress")." ".$this->mountname."/$reldir ".$this->pi_getLL("toupdate")."

"; } else { rmdir("$dir/$newdir"); $content .= "

Could not create dir $dir/$newdir, database error.


"; } } else { $content .= '


'; } } else { $content .= '


'; } } /* * * TASK = UPLOAD * */ if(!empty($uploadfile)) { if(!$this->hasAccess($this->mount,$reldir,"upload")) { return '


'; } if(1==0) { $content .= '

'.$this->pi_getLL('fileextensionerror').': '.$this->conf["allowedExts"].':'.end($str).'

'; } else { $newname = basename($this->filehandler->func_upload(array("data"=>0,target=>"$dir/"))); $size= filesize("$dir/$newname"); $comment = t3lib_div::GPvar('comment_file'); if($newname) { $this->insert_file_entry("FILE",$reldir,$newname,$size,$comment); $relative_url = $this->pi_getPageLink($GLOBALS['TSFE']->id,'',array("mountpoint"=>$this->mountID, "dir"=>$reldir)); header("Location: http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $this->div->clean_dir(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) . "/" . $relative_url); } else { $content .= "


"; } } } /**************************************************** * Render all the mountpoints on the page ************************************************** */ foreach($this->mountlist as $mp) { if($mp->uid == $this->mount->uid) { $content .= $this->renderSingleMount($mp,$reldir); } else { $content .= $this->renderSingleMount($mp,""); } } $content .= $this->renderUploadAndCreate($this->mountlist,$reldir); } /* * * ####################### UPLOAD_ONLY ####################### * */ elseif($this->mode == "UPLOAD_ONLY") { // // upload the file // if(!empty($uploadfile)) { $newname = basename($this->filehandler->func_upload(array("data"=>0,target=>"$dir/"))); $comment = t3lib_div::GPvar('comment_file'); if($newname) { $this->insert_file_entry("FILE",$reldir,$newname,$comment); $content .= "


"; } else { $content .= "


"; } } // // display the upload form // if($this->mount && $this->hasAccess($this->mount,$dir,"upload")) { $content .= "
\n"; $typocont["additionalParams"]="&$dir=$reldir&mountpoint=".$this->mount; $content .= "
cObj->currentPageUrl(array("dir"=>$reldir))."\">"; $content .= ""; $content .= ''; $content .= "".$this->pi_getLL("uploadnew").":
\n"; $content .= '
'.($this->conf["useDescriptions"] ? '
' : ' 
'; $content .= "
\n"; } } return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass($content); } /** * * * */ function getFileInfoText($entryname) { //return 'Infotext not implemented for non IE browsers.'; $res = $this->dbObj->exec_SELECTquery('size,uploaded,comment,users.name',"tx_mocfilemanager_files as files LEFT JOIN fe_users as users ON files.cruser_id = users.uid","files.file='".$this->dbObj->quoteStr($entryname,"tx_mocfilemanager_files")."'"); if($res && $this->dbObj->sql_num_rows($res)) { $row= $this->dbObj->sql_fetch_assoc($res); $desc = $this->pi_getLL('size').': '.($row["size"] != 0 ? t3lib_div::formatSize($row['size']) : $this->pi_getLL('unknown')).' '.$this->pi_getLL('uploaded_date').': '.($row['uploaded'] ? strftime($this->conf['datetimeFormat'],$row['uploaded']) : $this->pi_getLL('unknown')).' '.$this->pi_getLL('uploaded_by').': '.($row['name'] ? $row['name'] : $this->pi_getLL('unknown')); //$desc = "Size: ".($row["size"] != 0 ? t3lib_div::formatSize($row['size']) : $this->pi_getLL('unknown')); return $desc; } else { return "N/A"; } } /** * * Will look up information about all the entries in the array in the DB and create a hidden layer for each item. * The layer will be show when there is a mouse over on the i icon of the file/dir. * * */ function writeLayers($mount,$parentdir,$entries) { if(!is_array($entries)) return ""; $index= 0; foreach ($entries as $entry){ $row = $this->div->getAdditionalInfo($mount,"$parentdir/$entry"); $layerName = "MOC_filemanager_layer_".$index; $content .=' '; $index++; } return $content; } /** * */ function getAllMountIdsInPages($pidlist) { $res = $this->dbObj->exec_SELECTquery("uid","tx_mocfilemanager_mounts","pid in (".$this->dbObj->cleanIntList($pidlist).")"); while($row=$this->dbObj->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $list[] = $row["uid"]; } if(!is_array($list)) return ""; return implode(",",$list); } /** * * FUNCTION mkdirForm * */ function mkdirForm($reldir,$mount) { $content .= "
cObj->currentPageUrl()."\">"; $content .= ' '; $content .= "".$this->pi_getLL("createnewdir").":
\n"; $content .= '
'.($this->conf["useDescriptions"] ? '
' : ' 
'; return $content; } /** * * FUNCTION hasAccess * * 15/09-03 Sligthly modified by Jan-Erik. Since hte directory mounted is dependent on usergroup, * everyone will have access as long as they ar logged in. * 4/3-04 Modified so that users can either have read, write. And the mountpoint can now be public. */ function hasAccess($mount,$dir,$action) { //Now take action depending on type //print ("In hasAccess. Checking $action for mount: ".$mount->getName()."
"); switch($action) { case "read": if($mount->data["writeperm"] == -2 || $mount->data["mountperm"] == -2) { return true; } //Not public mountpoint. Deny if user is not logged in. if(!$GLOBALS["TSFE"]->fe_user->user) return false; //We are now sure that the user is logged in. Check if access for all users. if($mount->data["writeperm"] == -1 || $mount->data["mountperm"] == -1) { return 1; } //The mount is not public or mountable by all group, so check if the user has read access. Intersect the usergroup with the mountperm(readaccess) if(array_intersect(explode(",",$GLOBALS["TSFE"]->fe_user->user["usergroup"]),explode(",",$mount->data["writeperm"]))) { //The user is member of a group that has writeperms. Read is then OK. return true; } else { //User is not member of a group with write, check if member of a group with read only access if(array_intersect(explode(",",$GLOBALS["TSFE"]->fe_user->user["usergroup"]),explode(",",$mount->data["mountperm"]))) { //User is member of read-access group return true; } } return false; break; case "mkdir": case "rmdir": case "upload": case "delete": case "rename": if($mount->data["writeperm"] == -2) return true; //Not public mountpoint. Deny if user is not logged in. if(!$GLOBALS["TSFE"]->fe_user->user) return false; //We are now sure that the user is logged in. Check if access for all usergroups. if($mount->data["writeperm"] == -1) return true; //All of the above requires write access to the mount. if(array_intersect(explode(",",$GLOBALS["TSFE"]->fe_user->user["usergroup"]),explode(",",$mount->data["writeperm"]))) { return true; } else { return false; } break; default: return false; } return false; } /* ***************************************************** * * FUNCTION listdirs * * List all dirs in $active(relative ti $dirname) in a * tree structure starting from $dirname. Calls it self * recursively. * ***************************************************** */ function listdirs($mountpoint,$dirname,$activeDir,$depth = -1,$islast = array()) { $depth++; $basedirs = t3lib_div::get_dirs($dirname); $param["parameter"]= $this->showFilesPID; if(is_array($basedirs)) { sort($basedirs); $numentries = count($basedirs); $currententry=0; foreach($basedirs as $direntry){ $currententry++; $temp =""; for($i=0;$i<$depth;$i++) { $temp .= $this->filelistRootLine[$i]."/"; } $param["additionalParams"]="&dir=$temp$direntry&mountpoint=$mountpoint"; $templast = ($currententry == $numentries) ? 1:0; array_push($islast,$templast); $tempname = ereg_replace("_"," ",$direntry); if($direntry == $this->filelistRootLine[$depth]) { $param["ATagParams"]=$this->ActiveATagParams[$depth+1];//'class="filelinkActive"'; // As explorer if($this->asExplorer) { $content .= ""; $content .= $this->getPrefix($depth,$islast); $content .= $this->cObj->typolink($tempname,$param); $content .= ""; } else { $content .= $this->cObj->wrap($this->cObj->typolink($tempname,$param),$this->Activewraps[$depth+1]); } if($depth < $this->maxDepth) { // The recursive call $content .= $this->listdirs($mountpoint,$dirname."/".$direntry,$direntry,$depth,$islast); } } else { $param["ATagParams"]=$this->ATagParams[$depth+1];//'class="filelink"'; if($this->asExplorer) { $content .= ""; $content .= $this->getPrefix($depth,$islast); $content .= $this->cObj->typolink($tempname,$param); $content .= ""; } else { $content .= $this->cObj->wrap($this->cObj->typolink($tempname,$param),$this->wraps[$depth+1]); } } array_pop($islast); } } else { //return ("

Error in application

"); } $depth--; return $content; } function getPrefix($depth,$islast) { $content =""; for($i=0; $i<$depth; $i++) { $image = $islast[$i] ? 'blank.gif':'line.gif'; $content .= ''; } $image = $islast[$depth] ? 'joinbottom.gif':'join.gif'; $content .= ''; //$content .= ''; $content .= ''; return $content; } /** * Renames a file entry * */ function rename_file_entry($oldname,$newname,$m_uid,$comment) { $this->dbObj->debugOutput= TRUE; $oldname=$this->div->removeFirstSlash($oldname); $newname=$this->div->removeFirstSlash($newname); $updateArr = array('file'=>$newname); if(trim($comment)) { $updateArr['comment'] = strip_tags($comment); } $this->dbObj->exec_UPDATEquery('tx_mocfilemanager_files','mount = '.intval($m_uid).' AND file="'.$this->dbObj->quoteStr($oldname,'tx_mocfilemanager_files').'"',$updateArr); } /* ***************************************************** * * FUNCTION insert_file_entry * */ function insert_file_entry($type,$reldir,$newitem,$size=0,$comment='') { $pid = $this->filesPID; $gid = $GLOBALS["TSFE"]->fe_user->user["usergroup"]; if(empty($reldir)) { // JanE hack $insertdir=""; } else { $insertdir=$reldir."/"; } // Always remove leading AND trailing slashes from filename $insertfile = ereg_replace("^/","",$insertdir.$newitem); $insertfile = ereg_replace("/$","",$insertfile); // Configuration variables if(strtoupper($type) == "DIR") { $ftype=1; } else { $ftype=0; } $ts=time(); return $this->dbObj->exec_INSERTquery('tx_mocfilemanager_files',array('pid'=>$pid, 'file'=>$insertfile, 'mount'=>$this->mount->uid, 'uploaded'=>$ts, 'type'=>$ftype, 'crdate'=>$ts, 'tstamp'=>$ts, 'cruser_id'=>$GLOBALS["TSFE"]->fe_user->user["uid"], 'comment' => htmlspecialchars($comment), 'size'=>$size, )); //$res = mysql(TYPO3_db,$query); if($res) return true; return false; } /** * remove_file_entry * * */ function remove_file_entry($reldir) { $deletefile = ereg_replace("^/","",$reldir); // $query = "DELETE from tx_mocfilemanager_files WHERE file ='$deletefile' AND mount = '".$this->mount->uid."' AND pid='".$this->filesPID."'"; $where = "file ='".$this->dbObj->quoteStr($deletefile,'tx_mocfilemanager_files')."' AND mount = '".$this->mount->uid."' AND pid='".$this->filesPID."'"; $res = $this->dbObj->exec_DELETEquery('tx_mocfilemanager_files',$where);//mysql(TYPO3_db,$query); if($res) return true; return false; } /** * Get localized label with variable substitution. * %1 - first parameter * %2 - second parameter * %3 - third parameter */ function getLL_params($key, $param1="", $param2="", $param3="") { $xlate = $this->pi_getLL($key); if ($param1) { $xlate = str_replace("%1", $param1, $xlate); } if ($param2) { $xlate = str_replace("%2", $param2, $xlate); } if ($param3) { $xlate = str_replace("%3", $param3, $xlate); } return $xlate; } /** * RendersingleMount * * */ function renderSingleMount($mount,$reldir) { $dir=$this->div->clean_dir($mount->getDir()."/".$reldir); /* * * SHOW Files * */ $dirs = array(); $files = array(); $icons = array("doc"=>"doc.gif", "xls"=>"xls.gif", "html"=>"html1.gif", "txt"=>"txt.gif", "gz" => "zip.gif", "zip" => "zip.gif", "tar" => "zip.gif", "jpg" => "jpg.gif", "gif" => "gif.gif", "bmp" => "bmp.gif", "pdf" => "pdf.gif", "png" => "png.gif", "php" => "php3.gif", "php3" => "php3.gif"); $typoconf = array(); $typoconf["parameter"] = $GLOBALS["TSFE"]->id; if(!$this->hasAccess($mount,"$dir","read")) { return ""; // return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass('


'); } if (is_dir("$dir")) { $files = t3lib_div::getFilesInDir("$dir","",0,"mtime"); $numfiles = count($files); if($this->canUseLayers) { $content .= ' '; } $content .= ""; $nicereldir = ereg_replace("_"," ",$reldir); $content .= ''; if(!empty($conf["ShowFiles."]["ATagParams"])) { $typoconf["ATagParams"] = $conf["ShowFiles."]["ATagParams"]; } else{ $typoconf["ATagParams"] = 'class="filelink"'; } $dirs= t3lib_div::get_dirs("$dir"); // if showParentDir is set and parentDirStyle is true, add in the Up folder icon in the list of regular directories if ($reldir && $this->conf["showParentDir"] && $this->conf["parentDirStyle"]) { $content .=""; } $index=0; if(is_array($dirs)) { sort($dirs); $currentDir = 0; $numDirs=count($dirs); foreach($dirs as $direntry) { $layerName = "MOC_filemanager_layer_".$index; $currentDir++; $cleandirentry = ereg_replace("_"," ",$direntry); $content .=""; $index++; } } if(is_array($files)){ $count = 0; foreach($files as $file){ $layerName = "MOC_filemanager_layer_".$index; //$content .=""; // $content .= "
"; // **** The TYPO# way. Take your pick... //$cf["path"]="uploads/pics/"; //$cf["icon"] = 1; //$cf["jumpurl"] = 1; //$cf["jumpurl."]["secure"]=1; //$cf["jumpurl."]["secure."]["mimetypes"]= "pdf=application/pdf,doc=application/msword,jpg=image/jpeg"; //$content .= $this->cObj->filelink("banner_dame.jpg",$cf)."
"; $index++; } } $content .="
'; // if we are in a subdirectory, then display the "folder_up" icon with a link to the parent directory // calculate the Parent Directory $parentdir = ""; if ($reldir && $this->conf["showParentDir"]) { // find the last slash in the relative dir $pos = strrpos($reldir, "/"); if ($pos === false) { // not found - the "newdir" is at the root of the mount $parentdir = ""; } else { $parentdir = substr($reldir, 0, $pos); $parentdir = str_replace(" ", "%20", $parentdir); } } if ($reldir && $this->conf["showParentDir"] && !$this->conf["parentDirStyle"]) { // parentDirStyle is false - substitute the regular directory icon with the Up icon $typoconf["additionalParams"]="&dir=$parentdir&mountpoint=".$mount->uid; $content .= $this->cObj->typolink("\"".$this-pi_getLL("up")."\">",$typoconf); } else { $content .= ''; } $content .= ''.$mount->getName().'://'.$nicereldir.'
"; $numDirs=count($dirs); $img = (($numfiles == 0) && ($numDirs==0)) ? "joinbottom-large.gif" : "joinlarge.gif"; $content .= ''; $typoconf["additionalParams"]="&dir=$parentdir&mountpoint=".$mount->uid; $content .= $this->cObj->typolink("\"".$this-pi_getLL("up")."\">",$typoconf); $content .= $this->cObj->typolink($this->pi_getLL("up"),$typoconf); $content .=""; $content .= "
"; $img = (($numfiles == 0) && ($currentDir==$numDirs)) ? "joinbottom-large.gif" : "joinlarge.gif"; $content .= ''; $content .= ''; $typoconf["additionalParams"]="&dir=$reldir/$direntry&mountpoint=".$mount->uid; $content .= $this->cObj->typolink("$cleandirentry",$typoconf); $content .=""; if($this->canUseLayers) { $content .= ''; } else { $content .= ''; } if($this->hasAccess($mount,"$dir","rmdir")) { $typoconf["additionalParams"]="&dir=$reldir&task=delete&filename=$direntry&mountpoint=".$mount->uid; $content .= $this->cObj->typolink("".$this->pi_getLL("delete")."",$typoconf); $typoconf["additionalParams"]="&dir=$reldir&oldname=$direntry&task=rename&mountpoint=".$mount->uid; $content .=$this->cObj->typolink("".$this->pi_getLL("rename")."",$typoconf); } $content .= "
"; $content .="
"; $count++; $str = explode(".",$file); // Break it in pieces. $extfile = $icons[end($str)]; if(empty($extfile)) $extfile="default.gif"; // **** The Jan-Erik Way $typoconf["additionalParams"]="&filename=$file&dir=$reldir&task=download&mountpoint=".$mount->uid; $image = ($count == $numfiles) ? 'joinbottom-large.gif':'joinlarge.gif'; $content .= ''; $imgpath = $this->conf["useOwnIcons"] ? "typo3conf/ext/moc_filemanager/res/fileicons/" : "t3lib/gfx/fileicons/"; $content .= $this->cObj->typoLink("$file",$typoconf); $content .= "".date (" d M Y.", filemtime("$dir/$file")).""; $content .=""; if($this->canUseLayers) { $content .= ''; } else { $content .= ''; } if($this->hasAccess($mount,$dir,"delete")) { $typoconf["additionalParams"]="&filename=$file&dir=$reldir&task=delete&mountpoint=".$mount->uid; $content .=$this->cObj->typolink("".$this->pi_getLL("delete")."",$typoconf); } if($this->hasAccess($mount,$dir,"upload")) { $typoconf["additionalParams"]="&dir=$reldir&oldname=".t3lib_div::rawUrlEncodeFP($file)."&dir=$reldir&task=rename&mountpoint=".$mount->uid; $content .=$this->cObj->typolink("".$this->pi_getLL("rename")."",$typoconf); } $content .= "
"; //Need to check that we are working in Internet explorer... if($this->canUseLayers) { $content .= $this->writeLayers($mount,$reldir,array_merge($dirs,$files)); } } else { $content .= "

".$mount->getDir()."/$reldir ".$this->pi_getLL("doesnotexist")."

"; } return $content; } function initFilehandler() { $this->filehandler = new t3lib_extFileFunctions(); $f_ext = array("ftpspace"=>array("allow"=>$this->conf["allowedExts"])); $this->filehandler->init($this->filehandler_mps,$f_ext); $this->filehandler->init_actionPerms(31); } /** * Renders the upload and create (No TemplaVoila) */ function renderUploadAndCreate($mountlist,$reldir) { foreach($mountlist as $mount) { $dir=$this->div->clean_dir($mount->getDir()."/".$reldir); if($this->hasAccess($mount,$dir,"upload")) { $targetlist[] = ''; } } if(count($targetlist) > 0) { $content .= "
cObj->currentPageUrl(array("dir"=>$reldir))."\">"; $content .= ""; } $content .= "
\n"; $content .= "".$this->pi_getLL("uploadnew").":
\n"; $content .= '
'.($this->conf["useDescriptions"] ? '
' : ' 
').''; $content .= '
'; //Render the create dir form (if allowed) if(!$this->conf['disableMkdir']) { $content .= "".$this->pi_getLL("createnewdir").":
\n"; $content .= '
'.($this->conf["useDescriptions"] ? '
' : ' 
').' '; $content .= "
"; //if(count($targetlist) == 1) { if($this->selectFrom == "PIVARS") { $content .= ""; } else { $content .= $this->pi_getLL("target_mountpoint").": "; } $content .="
"; } return $content; } /** * Init a single Mountpoint */ function initSingleMountPoint($mountpoint) { /* * Perform common initialization required by both VIEW & UPLOAD_ONLY */ if(!$mountpoint->uid) { //return $this->pi_wrapInBaseClass("

Could not find mountpoint with UID: ".$mountpoint->uid."

"); return -1; } // ************ Init the filehandler (TYPO3 extFilefunctions) ********* //Clean up filepath $this->filehandler_mps[$mountpoint->uid]["path"] = $this->div->clean_dir($this->documentRoot."/".$mountpoint->data["path"])."/"; $this->filehandler_mps[$mountpoitn->uid]["name"] = $mountpoint->data["name"]; } /** * */ function transferFlexToData() { $this->cObj->data['field_mode'] = $this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'],'field_mode'); $this->cObj->data['field_selectfrom'] = $this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'],'field_selectfrom'); $this->cObj->data['field_from'] = $this->pi_getFFvalue($this->cObj->data['pi_flexform'],'field_from'); } } if (defined("TYPO3_MODE") && $TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]["XCLASS"]["ext/moc_filemanager/pi1/class.tx_mocfilemanager_pi1.php"]) { include_once($TYPO3_CONF_VARS[TYPO3_MODE]["XCLASS"]["ext/moc_filemanager/pi1/class.tx_mocfilemanager_pi1.php"]); } ?>