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Tutorial MOC Fileshare Manager: Installation in 6 Steps

  German Version

General information regarding the extension MOC Fileshare Manager


MOC Fileshare Manager enables the up- and download of files whatever type. In the front end folders can be created, renamed or deleted. On the highest folder level as well as in all subfolders files can be uploaded, renamed or deleted.


Beside the public access, read and write permissions can be set to usergroups.


Screenshot (modified version)


Extension: MOC Fileshare Manager (Extension key: moc_filemanager)
Version: 0.8.0
Description: A collection of front end plugins for filesharing based of TYPO3 group permissions.

Author of the tutorial: Agentur MUC-CMS (10/2005)
The extension was installed and modified with TYPO3 Version 3.8.0.
This tutorial represents maybe just one way to get the filemanager working.



Step 1:


Install the extension moc_filemanager using the extension manager ("Import extensions from online repository"...). At the end of the installation don't set any flag at [SuperRoot] and [AutoDirCreation]. Just leave it as it is.



Step 2:


Choose the module Filelist and create a new subfolder in fileadmin.

Example name: Filesharing. That's where the files will be stored.


Screenshot by MUC-CMS



Step 3:


Create a new SysFolder in the pagetree (= New Site, Type: SysFolder).

Example name: Filesharing


Advice: The same name as in Step 2 helps you to keep the overview in case you want to install more MOC Filemanager in one website.


Screenshot by MUC-CMS



Step 4:


Click on the just created SysFolder and create a new record of the type Mount points.



Screenshot by MUC-CMS


Note: The name of the mountpoint (Share) will be displayed in the FE as the name of the top directory!



Step 5:


If not yet done: Create a new page in the pagetree (Type: Standard) on which the MOC Fileshare Manager ought to run. Example Name: Documents Marketing


On this page insert the plugin Filebrowser (Explorer).

-> New Content -> General Plugin -> Plugin: Filebrowser (Explorer)


Plugin Options:

- Mode: View

- Select mountpoints from: Pages (startingpoint)

- Startingpoint (= Ausgangspunkt): The SysFolder created in Step 3



Screenshot by MUC-CMS


Annotation: The mode "Directory browser", which only displays directories without content, and the mode "Upload only", which only provides the upload-function, are not treated in this tutorial. Just check them out by yourself.



Step 6:


Choose the module Template, open the Constant Editor and select the



Documentroot = fileadmin (only this word, no absolute path etc.)


Screenshot by MUC-CMS




That's it!



By the way: Depending on your needs the MOC Fileshare Manager can be implemented on a website as often as you want. Imagineable are sections such as "Documents Marketing", "Documents PR", "Documents Meetings" etc. Just repeat Step 2 to 5 (using different names).



If you want to customize the functionality and the design of the extension, take a look at Modifications >

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